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17.06. ТТК запустил WiMAX в поселках Копейска Челябинской области

18.06. ТТК увеличил технический охват сети ШПД в Озерске

10.05. TrackChecker для iPhone/iPad

17.04. ТТК-Южный Урал увеличил скорость доступа в Интернет для жителей Сатки и Бакала

14.04. Технический охват ТТК в Сатке увеличился на 35%

26.03. ТТК начинает предоставлять услуги связи в Чебаркуле Челябинской области

24.03. ТТК-Южный Урал предоставляет Wi-Fi роутеры абонентам в Карабаше и Новогорном

24.02. ТТК-Южный Урал увеличил скорость Интернета в трех городах Челябинской области

21.02. ТТК начал строительство сети ШПД в Озерске Челябинской области

19.02. ТТК-Южный Урал более чем в 2 раза увеличил скорость Интернета в Златоусте

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Мобильное кино, мобизоды. "Мысли вслух" британского эксперта


Пришло в почту письмо от известного эксперта рынка Stuart O'Brien. Стюарт делится своими мыслями по поводу перспектив, связанных с мобильным кино и мобизодами. Любопытное чтение.

"If it's not enough that mobile phones are changing the way we consume content, it seems they could also be changing the very source material on which that content is based.

Take upcoming serial killer flick Zodiac, for example. Speaking this week to
The Guardian newspaper, its star Jake Gyllenhaal reckoned the movie would be chopped down to 25 minutes if mobile phones were around in the 1970s (the era in which the film was set).

Why? Because all the various errors and mis-commuications that ensured the killer remained at large could have been prevented with a quick phone call or text message. The (still unsolved) case would have been solved with the aid of a few mobile phones, according to our star.

On the surface the anecdote illustrates the extent of the impact the cellphone (isn't that a film too?) has had on everyday life. But everything is relative and of course there are plenty of unsolved crimes today, even with the advent of mobile and the interweb (it's not just the law that can use new technology, you know).

More importantly for the mobile content industry, 25 minutes is a great length for a made-for-mobile movie, is it not? Chop that up into five-minute clips and you have five mobisodes. You could charge people £3 a pop to download them. Quite a few people have tried that sort of thing already.

This week ROK Entertainment went a little bit further than that when it unveiled Kung Fusion, a 90 minute made-for-mobile kung-fu movie pastiche that people can download either in full to a PC for sideloading or OTA in episodic bite sized chunks.

What next? A made-for-mobile serial killer movie, made with a mobile, in which the killer uses a mobile phone to kill people? It might just work".

© А.Бойко


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