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17.06. ТТК запустил WiMAX в поселках Копейска Челябинской области

18.06. ТТК увеличил технический охват сети ШПД в Озерске

10.05. TrackChecker для iPhone/iPad

17.04. ТТК-Южный Урал увеличил скорость доступа в Интернет для жителей Сатки и Бакала

14.04. Технический охват ТТК в Сатке увеличился на 35%

26.03. ТТК начинает предоставлять услуги связи в Чебаркуле Челябинской области

24.03. ТТК-Южный Урал предоставляет Wi-Fi роутеры абонентам в Карабаше и Новогорном

24.02. ТТК-Южный Урал увеличил скорость Интернета в трех городах Челябинской области

21.02. ТТК начал строительство сети ШПД в Озерске Челябинской области

19.02. ТТК-Южный Урал более чем в 2 раза увеличил скорость Интернета в Златоусте

Новости CForum.ru

Опубликован отчет по итогам MEX 2007


В отчет, как обычно, включены все презентации ключевых докладчиков. Для тех, кто не участвовал вживую, последняя возможность приобщиться к самой-самой тусовке. Стоит удовольствие - 795 GBP + ваш английский язык. Подробности ниже в завлекаловочке от PMX. Мы не заказывали, так что отчет я не видел.

The MEX 2007 Report is our most comprehensive ever, combining in-depth reporting of the 2007 conference sessions, our unique MEX Mind Maps, research notes and speaker presentations. The 212 page document provides a complete overview of the industry's thinking on mobile user experience issues across the 10 key theme areas of the MEX manifesto.

Use the 'Buy Now' button to purchase for GBP 795 + VAT @ 17.5% where applicable through our partner, PayPal Merchant Services. PayPal provides completely secure, instant on-line purchasing with Amex, Visa, Mastercard or Switch. You can also use funds stored in a PayPal account to make your purchase. If you'd like to pay by cheque or bank transfer, please contact Marek Pawlowski (marekpawlowski @ pmn.co.uk or +44 7767 622957) to request an invoice.

The report harnesses the combined knowledge of the 100 leading mobile executives who attended the MEX conference in May 2007. Delegates participated in a series of keynote presentations, panel discussions and breakout groups to define a response to the MEX manifesto. From this rich pool of creativity and PMN's own exclusive research notes, our authors have produced a detailed analysis of the industry's approach to mobile user experience.

Each of the 10 topics includes:

    * MEX Maps: graphical brainstorm of the conference's response to the manifesto.
    * Speaker's response: written summary of the keynote presentation.
    * Presentation slides: copy of the keynote slides.
    * Discussion summary: written summary of the panel discussions and responses from the breakout groups.
    * Research notes: thought-provoking articles and detailed research from PMN's analysts.
    * Stat Spot: selection of metrics relating to the manifesto topic.

The 10 MEX Manifesto topics covered and the keynote speaker who inspired the discussions and research:

Topic, Keynote speaker

Understanding the extent of the user experience, from retail environment to customer service
Cliff Crosbie, Global Director of Retail Marketing, Nokia

The evolution of community services and social networking in the mobile environment
Al Russell, Head of Mobile Internet & Content Services, Vodafone

Adapting mobile interfaces in response to the contextual user environment
Christian Lindholm, User Experience Expert

The role of pricing in determining the user experience and forming customer expectations
Stuart John, Director of Product Management, Ocean Observations

Leveraging innovation in input methods and content discovery to increase mobile service adoption
Matthew Menz, Head of Interaction Design, Motorola

Understanding the importance of user experience in delivering mobile advertising
Antti Öhrling, Co-founder, Blyk

Tearing down the walled garden and releasing third party innovation
Mike Wehrs, Vice President of Product Management & Evangelism, AOL Wireless & Tegic Communications

The evolution of the user experience as mobiles become our gateway for interacting with physical environment
Paul Kompfner, Head of Development, ERTICO

Measuring the user experience with quantitative and qualitative techniques to really understand customers
Paul Nerger, Vice President, Worldwide Sales & Marketing, Argogroup

Building personalisation into every level of value chain to grow margins and deliver an individualised experience
Mark Rolston, Senior Vice President of Creative, Frog Design

Report details: * Pages: 212 * Word count: 57,500+ (approx.) * Includes: single user PDF copy of MEX 2007 report and access to PDF downloads for all 10 speaker presentations from MEX conference * Language: English

© А.Бойко


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