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17.06. ТТК запустил WiMAX в поселках Копейска Челябинской области

18.06. ТТК увеличил технический охват сети ШПД в Озерске

10.05. TrackChecker для iPhone/iPad

17.04. ТТК-Южный Урал увеличил скорость доступа в Интернет для жителей Сатки и Бакала

14.04. Технический охват ТТК в Сатке увеличился на 35%

26.03. ТТК начинает предоставлять услуги связи в Чебаркуле Челябинской области

24.03. ТТК-Южный Урал предоставляет Wi-Fi роутеры абонентам в Карабаше и Новогорном

24.02. ТТК-Южный Урал увеличил скорость Интернета в трех городах Челябинской области

21.02. ТТК начал строительство сети ШПД в Озерске Челябинской области

19.02. ТТК-Южный Урал более чем в 2 раза увеличил скорость Интернета в Златоусте

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80% пользователей iPhone 2G во Франции, Германии и Объединенном королевстве пользуются мобильным интернетом


Исследование, проведенное Comscore M:Metrics, похоже, ставит точку в старом споре. Все дело в удобстве. Будет удобство пользования, будут и пользователи. Удобный iPhone вызвал к жизни массовое пользование вебом с мобильника. А среди обладателей навороченных смартфонов пока что лишь каждый третий заходит в интернет с мобильника. Если кому-то интересны подробности, цитирую данные опроса на английском.

As the market anticipates the launch of the 3G version in Germany and the UK today, comScore M:Metrics, confirms that even on the slower 2.5G mobile network, the iPhone has increased mobile Internet consumption by a factor of 13 times in the case of a category such as social networking sites.  The study also found that 42 percent of iPhone users visited a social networking site on their device in May compared to the market average of 3 percent and 10 percent of smartphone owners.  E-mail is another popular feature, with nearly 70 percent of iPhone users sending and receiving e-mail with the device, compared to just 26 percent among other smartphones users and 7.6 percent of the cell phone market overall. 

“Our data confirm that the iPhone and its requisite data plan have succeeded in drawing consumers to the mobile Web,” said Paul Goode, senior analyst, comScore M:Metrics, “Even without 3G networking, users are happy to browse and consume as much content as they can, and as soon as the data speeds improve, these figures will likely continue to increase.”
The improvement in iPhone handset features and reduced pricing should have a significant impact on uptake, especially in the European markets where, according to comScore M:Metrics data, the UK has 3G penetration at 26 percent, Germany at 23 percent and France at 17 percent. 
comScore M:Metrics also found that while smartphones are adopted by a higher proportion of men than mobile phones overall, iPhones have an even stronger skew to men in the U.K. and Germany.  In the U.K for example, 75 percent of iPhone users are male, while men account for about 68 percent of smartphone users. In contrast, in France, 67 percent of iPhone users are men compared to a higher 71 percent of smartphone users 

“It is worth noting that the Nokia N95 8GB with high speed 3G and significant handset subsidies now has over twice as many users as the iPhone across the UK, Germany and France,” observed Goode. “Yet the iPhone, despite its small user-base, is already in the top 10 handsets for online browsing in the UK and in the top 5 in France and Germany.  It is giving devices like Nokia’s N Series and Sony Ericsson K and W Series a definite run for their money.”



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