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Shah to kick off Develop mobile day

English · Встречи

26.06.2006, Mobile Entertainment

Nokia's Kamar Shah will deliver the keynote speech at the Develop Mobile Conference later this month.

Shah, Nokia’s global head of games multimedia, should have a few interesting things to say – not least about the roadmap for N-gage and his company’s moves into direct selling via the Nokia software market.

The Develop event takes place at the Metropole Hotel in Brighton on the UK's south coast between July 11th and July 13th. The mobile day is on July 11th and comprises seven sessions delivered by the likes of Glu Mobile's Kristian Segerstrale, Ideaworks 3D's Tim Closs, Eidos's Simon Protheroe and Vodafone's Tim Harrison.

During the rest of the week, there will be over 40 sessions covering the key topics of Mobile, Coding, Game Design, Production, Business, Art & Audio, and a free-to-attend Expo.

The rest of the conference offers developers a chance to appraise 'traditional' gaming platforms and take part in seminars hosted by Microsoft, Nvidia, Sony and other giants of the scene.

More details are available at www.developconference.com

© Tim Green, Mobile Entertainment


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