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02.11. [Маркетинг]  ЗНТЦ (Зеленоградский нанотехнологический центр, Зеленоградский наноцентр) / MForum.ru

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Gigafone приглашает на 3GSM World Congress

Мобильная реклама · Бизнес

29.01.2008, CForum.ru

Компания mi liberty рассылает приглашения журналистам ознакомиться с технологией мобильной рекламы Gigafone в дни выставки в Барселоне. Приводим текст приглашения, полученного MForum.ru (на английском языке).

Take the opportunity to hear a new voice in the world of mobile advertising - Gigafone.


Gigafone’s technology puts the mobile operator back at the centre of the advertising value chain. With a business model based on consumer ‘pull’ rather than operator ‘push’, Gigafone offers a compelling new way to deliver targeted, multimedia advertising to millions of mobile subscribers globally.


With Gigafone, banner, flash banner or video adverts are matched exactly to the consumer’s profile and personal preferences, and delivered directly to the handset upon receipt of a call or SMS. The delivery method is unobtrusive so there is none of the invasiveness or scatter-gun approach of SMS or WAP banners. Mobile operators can offer incentives such as free minutes, free SMS or MMS or accelerated handset upgrades as a way to encourage uptake.

Gigafone gives operators flexibility, scale, and above all, control.


Far from being a start-up, Gigafone has been active in Russia since 2005, where it has built up a network of 18 mobile operators using Gigafone’s solution. 2008 will see Gigafone expand its network of customers across Europe and Asia.


Two industry heavy-hitters involved in Gigafone are Alan Harper, previously Director of Strategy at Vodafone Group, and Reza Jafari, an industry veteran who currently sits on the board of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

At Mobile World Congress 2008 Gigafone will be meeting analysts and press for the first time to discuss their revolutionary approach to mobile advertising. Gigafone’s spokesperson, Alan Harper, will be available to meet at the Gigafone media suite in the Avenue, room AV77.


To schedule an interview, please contact Diana Booty at Mi liberty on diana@libertycomms.com

Many thanks,

diana booty
account manager

mi liberty

the plaza, 535 kings road, chelsea, london SW10 0SZ
t +44 (0)20 7751 4444
e diana@libertycomms.com
w www.miliberty.com

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Публикации по теме:

24.03. [HR]  Александр Кубанеишвили назначен директором по продажам Gigafon / CForum.ru

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04.02. [Разное]  Арбитраж отказал ГДМ "Групп" в иске в отношении "Суперфон" на сумму 7 млн рублей / CForum.ru

31.01. [Разное · Российские]  "Разворот" представил позиции сторон конфликта Gigafone - "Суперфон" / "Эхо Москвы"

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