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Longcheer picks Beep Science OMA DRM

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26.07.2007, CForum.ru

Beep Science enters into a worldwide licensing agreement with Longcheer to build OMA DRM enabled devices for mobile operator customers

Oslo, Norway – July 26, 2007: Beep Science AS, a leading provider of mobile Digital Rights Management (DRM) software, today announced yet another customer win in the OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) DRM space by adding Longcheer, an independent handset design house and an industry leader in China, to the company’s customer portfolio. The companies entered into a worldwide licensing agreement where Beep Science provides Longcheer with a DRM solution to the smartphones designed by the ODM for its operator customers.

Longcheer, with its impressive growth in both financial performance and shipments since its inauguration in 2002, commands the biggest shipments among ODMs in China and delivers the trendiest designs using the latest technology in the most cost effective manner to allow customers to continue winning in a highly competitive landscape. Mobile operators keep deploying new and exciting content services with revenue models enabled by OMA DRM, while at the same time ordering branded devices that support OMA DRM from design houses such as Longcheer. The industry standard DRM has become a mandatory handset feature required by more and more leading mobile operators who are endorsing and deploying OMA DRM. By integrating Beep Science DRM Agent onto its mobile phones, Longcheer ensures its devices have the required DRM features and interoperability with a wide variety of premium content services offered by operators and service providers around the world.

Beep Science’s DRM solution fully supports all copyright protection requirements in mass market feature phones and other handheld devices, and is interoperable with all OMA DRM enabled services.

“We are pleased to work with Beep Science and implement their DRM technology which in our assessment is the most superior among DRM vendors both in terms of product maturity and competitiveness.” said Dr Du Junhong, CEO of Longcheer, “The Beep Science DRM Agent truly meets our requisites to keep providing our customers with winning design solutions”.

“Beep Science is proud to be selected by an industry leader like Longcheer to build OMA DRM enabled devices for the vast markets that Longcheer will bring them to” says Jan Rune Hetle, CEO of Beep Science.

The agreement signifies win-win for the parties as it helps Longcheer to achieve its aggressive market expansion goal beyond China and strengthens Beep Science position as the clear leader in the DRM Agent space.

© CForum.ru , company's press-release

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